For the Administration of SAPEC Terminais Portuários S.A., the safety of people, the installation, ships, and port operations is an integral part of the quality of the services it provides.
Responsible for the operation of an activity that is fundamental to the well-being, quality of life and safety of populations, aware of the growing threats of intentional illicit actions against maritime transport and the use of this means of transport to support that type of actions, the SAPEC Terminais Portuários develops a protection policy with the aim of, within the limits of the Law, preventing acts of:
Transnational organized crime
Illegal human trafficking
Illegal trafficking in any products or equipment, with special emphasis on drugs and weapons
Sabotage of goods stored and in transit through the facility
Sabotage of the facilities, equipment and activity of the Port Facility.
In order to achieve this objective, SAPEC Terminais Portuários provides the necessary and appropriate resources, paying special attention to the training and information of its employees and collaboration with the competent authorities.
In order to achieve this objective, SAPEC Terminais Portuários' protection policy is based on the following principles:
Improve the quality and effectiveness of services provided;
Ensure that employees and subcontractors have adequate protection training;
Ensure strict access control to its facilities, with special attention to the Port Facility;
Within your facilities, ensure strict access control to all restricted areas, in accordance with the “need to know” principle;
Ensure strict control of people, equipment and products in transit through your Port Facility;
Establish close cooperation and information exchange relationships with relevant national and foreign security authorities;
Establish close relations of cooperation and exchange of information with those responsible for protecting the Port of Setúbal;
Establish close cooperation and information exchange relationships with municipal authorities regarding security risks within the scope of the ISPS Code;
Comply with and enforce all legal and regulatory requirements relating to the protection of the installation, ships, people, port activity, surrounding populations and the environment;
Constantly identify and prevent the protection risks inherent to its activity, promoting the development of the necessary actions to control and minimize these risks;
Ensure that in the design of new installations, buildings, equipment and work procedures, prevention, protection and minimization of protection risks are taken into account within the scope of the ISPS Code.